This is a question concerning an Arab horse.  A farrier trimmed the heel very short and each front foot was trimmed unevenly with approx 1/2" difference.  To correct the problem Natural Balance shoes were used and the toes were squared off to take pressure off the heel and change the breakover point.  This was to allow the heel to grow. The horse has now been suffering with tendon strain.  Nothing has changed (riding conditions, etc.) except the trimming and shoeing. Could this tendon strain be caused from the shoeing?

It doesn't matter what the breed, good horse shoeing is good horse shoeing! These shoes ARE changing the breakover point as well as the flight path. I don't believe these shoes helped grow heel any better than standard shoes and proper trimming would have. These shoes, the breakover, and the flight path could well be the cause of his tendon problems. Pics would help me!


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