Correcting aN OLD INJURY on the back of the hoof

This horse had got his foot caught in a fence and injured its hoof many years ago and the owner and farrier had
problems keeping the horse from injuring it again. The following was done to correct this problem.

This is the right front foot and it was injured on the outside.
Much of the heel bulb is gone and the re-growth is very rough.

These pictures show how the rough re-growth was  rasped off and how
the hoof was trimmed to remove pressure where there was no hoof wall.

This set of pictures show the hoof after the finish trimming. The foot is ready to be shod.

The first picture shows the foot after being shod, the heel of the shoe is left full to take
the place of the missing part of the hoof. This hoof is now striking the ground in a
balanced manner. The mare is now moving completely sound. She is even able to
use the hoof with full weight at the canter.

Copyright 2001 by Bob and Charlotte Blackwell. All rights reserved.