We have a 15 month gelding that is very mouthy. He bites everything,
ropes, halter, anything he can get his mouth on. He will occasionally
on purpose bite us. Do you have any suggestions as to how to "nip"
this bad habit in the bud? He's going to be a big horse and we want
to stop it while he's still fairly small. Thanks a lot for any advice.
The mouthing of inanimate objects is usually outgrown by age 3 or
4. Teething is usually the cause. As for a horse putting their
mouth on a person, this is a practice that must be stopped! There is a
10 second window where I immediately slap them with an open, cupped, hand
on the neck or chest. (this makes for a loud, popping sound) I Also
holler "NO" in a loud menacing voice, while making myself appear bigger
and meaner. It usually only takes a few lessons and they learn.