Wolf Teeth or Bit Problems?

> We have a Rocky Mountain horse and it throws and shakes his head whenever
>  we put a bit in his mouth.  We tried a Wonder bit with a leather curb strap.
>  Is that a sure sign or think is a sign of wolf teeth?

Yes, this can be a sign of wolf teeth or it can be a bit problem.
Wonder bits were designed to be used by barrel racers to raise the inside shoulder in order to make a closer turn around a barrel. They are a "gag" type of bit that raises deeper in the mouth when the reins are pulled. These bits are quite severe!
>  He has an extended overbite, and he is real sensitive to the mouth and
> muzzle
>  area when the bit is in his mouth.

This is probably the problem. In cases of severe over-bite the gap between the front incisors and the back molars is not aligned and the bit can hit on both the upper and lower teeth. I would have a knowledgeable equine vet or equine dentist evaluate his mouth.

> He is "hard" mouth also.
>  Any suggestions on bits.  I would appreciate it.

I imagine he is hurting more than he is hard mouthed. The vet or dentist could probably give you a recommendation. In the meantime I would try a mechanical hackamore.
Good luck and keep me informed.


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